Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Remembering Oliver

Today Oliver is 17 in Heaven.  I would imagine he is running an earthdog course in less than 30 seconds.
                                                     We miss you honey man.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Brisk Weekend

It's a bit chilly today...mid 40's.  We were enjoying the sunshine at Wexford Park.

We love you Lucy Lu!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Empty Bed

I don't understand...Lucy will not sleep in her bed or Oliver's bed since he went to doggie heaven.  When he was alive they would both share beds.  Now she has nothing to do with the beds and has found her new place under the famous ottoman.  Mike and I keep waiting for her to return to her bed where she used to be so warm and comfortable. We still wait.
Empty Hotel

The good O'l days
We wished we could go back to the way it used to be with Oliver around.  Lucy was so relaxed with him around.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lily Visits


Lily comes to visit again and she can't figure out why Lucy ignores her!

Memories of Lily visiting when Oliver was with us.
                                                  Oliver was always a good host!

Bee Sting

Yesterday afternoon on our walk, Lucy stepped on a bee and was stung.  The bee was stuck in her fur on her leg and I had to untangle it.  Her paw pads were crunched together so we went to the emergency at U.W. to get it looked at. Lucy got a shot of Benadryl and some pain pills to help.  We monitored her for swelling incase of a delayed allergic reaction. She rested today and her lameness has improved.  Lucy is 13 and has never ever been stung by a bee!  I felt badly for her.