Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Today the heat index was close to 100 degrees but we did get out and find the shade.  I packed the water bowl and a wash cloth to cool her down.  Lucy just doesn't like the heat, so we weren't out long.  I wanted her to get out because she should use her muscles instead of sleeping all day!  When we got inside, she had a bath...which she also doesn't like!  The way she rolls around and shakes just makes me laugh.  Then she goes under the bed and back out again...stretching and rolling she just cracks me up!  And if Oliver were here, they would both be chasing around.  I miss those days.

Wet Lucy ...

Rolling it all out!

Heading for cover...she takes a sharp left turn.


 And it starts all over again.... and I am happy because she is exercising!

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