Sunday, October 26, 2014

Last Year

Last year at this time we were all dressed up for Trick-or-Treaters.

We haven't forgotten one single bit about you, Lucy Lu!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thinking of Lucy

While Oz and I were shopping we thought of Lucy.
We miss you Lucy Lu.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

6 Months Old

It's hard to believe that in 6 months time Oz went from this...

To this...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Agility Class

Oz loves class and he just hates to go home.

Walking the plank and waiting with 2 feet off the board.
See this hoop and the yellow and blue platform?
The dogs have to jump through the hoop and then go to the platform and wait for the count of 5.
Oliver is getting ready to run down the shoot. 
The teacher is holding him at the other end.

Oz took a running start toward the hoop and instead of going up and through, he went under the bottom bar faster than jack flash and everyone laughed.  Sheesh, last week he went through the hoop!  But I started to remember how he runs so fast around the house and then he dives under the chairs so he was in the diving mode.

Oz is a drinker...just loves his water.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Road Trip

I took Oz with me when I met friends for lunch. 
It was a perfect day for a road trip, cloudy and upper 70's.

While I was talking, Oz had fun digging a hole in the dirt.

He also chased a squirrel and during the event I fractured my little toe.
Dr. said it will take 6 weeks to heal.

Inside this arch is the most beautiful little secret in town.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tooth Fairy Visits Again!!!

Oz lost a molar.  He spit the molar out right in front of me. 

The Tooth Fairy came again with a toy called the Puzzle.

There is a treat hidden in 6 places, Oz has to slide the purple side out to get the treats.
Do you think he can do it? 
Oz works on sliding with his paw.

Then he uses his nose to push the side open.

He gets it OPEN!

All of this thinking gets Oz hot!  He takes a break before trying the otherside.
He gets it OPEN!

Now he works on moving the green puzzle piece. 

He slides it open with no problem.

Oz, you are a wizard!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Yard Work

When I mow lawn and pull weeds, Oz stays on the deck watching me.

And the neighborhood squirrel teases him!