In the last 5 years, Lucy slowly didn't care to go on walks anymore. We would go out on walks with Oliver and while he would be on his way down the sidewalk...Lucy wouldn't budge. Her cataracts were deteriorating her quality of life...she couldn't see and she wouldn't walk. Being blind didn't bother Oliver, he was diabetic. Finally, on July 11, 2012 I decided Lucy was going to get her vision back and have cataract surgery. After her pre-surgical intraocular ultrasound and electroretinogram, we found out she had poor retinal function. That would mean she wasn't a good candidate for cataract surgery. Lucy is getting better learning to live blind but it's not easy.
Blind proofing the house....
Drawer knobs are covered so Lucy doesn't bump her head.
Pillows are propped along corners everywhere in the house.
A quilt and gate keeps her safe upstairs. |
After Oliver, we became pros at living with blind dogs. I just could not believe Lucy would have to live the rest of her life blind. Lucy is given Flurbiprofen and Cyclosporine eye drops. We see the opthamologist once a year because her schirmer tear test indicated low tear production because we do NOT want dry eye!